Thursday, January 1, 2009

FB Fashion & Style

These are reader questions, as well as basic things I think work for most women in fashion. There are always exceptions, and that's the beauty of fashion -- the flexibility to be an individual.

But honestly, there are things that just don't work on everyone and with everything unless you're a hot supermodel (which.. most of us are not).

Tapered and pleated short-hemmed pants are one and oversized baggy t-shirts are another.

But a lot of trendy things are taken out of context from runway to sidewalk, and end up being fashion crimes.

I think about 90% of women agree with my opinions, and those of you in the 10% who want to rock individual style, that's great but you've gotta admit, sometimes it goes horribly wrong.

And that's the price that is paid to be fashion forward and risky. Sometimes it works like a charm and other times we're all thinking: what????

To me, nothing is sexier or more fashion forward than a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Just a pair of jeans, white t-shirt or tank top and my hair back in a ponytail and I feel like a million bucks.

There's no need to go overboard. More often than not, less is more.

If you have questions you'd like answered, let me know! Email me at brokeinthecity at gmail dot com.

Lastly, you can probably see this, but I don't talk much about makeup. I am not really a makeup junkie (never got into it), but my blogroll features a lot of great makeup bloggers.

I'm just a simple girl who wears a bit of foundation, powder, mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow shader, eyeshadow, blush and lip balm very occasionally.

General Fashion & Style

Purchases and Preventions

Wardrobe De-Cluttering Decisions

Beauty & Body Commentary